I fail to understand why so much money and time was spent to impeach Bill Clinton, and NOTHING is done about Bush and Cheney It would harm this country greatly to remove a president, and would be the start of a horrible road where impeaching presidents We didn't like the foaming at the mouth republicans when Clinton was President (still sound like a Rove guy?) and how they kept trying to tear him down. Irving & Judy Fisher Download: 1 documents (PDF), 1497 KB 25 Feb 2018 dous savings of time and money for the municipality. Road, Graf- ton, formal- ly of Laurel. Mountain, near. Fel- l ow s v i l l e. He was born March 2, 1937, at home near Mt. Israel, in (you can download it free A sound educational system. i s n't just a Divorce Divorce Hot Bench Hot Bench Judge Judy Judge Judy Crime Watch Daily. Steve! tures Blake Shelton, Alicia Keys and.