I understand that there is a PC version, however making a console version would widen the popularity of the Star Wars franchise to EA! I can take a guess that I am not the only person to ask this question as bioware games are really popular with Download with Facebook lod if" they-please, tu kod-ol-a d-av tu te you tho's e four you to v .,,· Xa*-a kod-:pl,~a star m1sto ~· ! d ' , 19,j1 '1iIP , J6'odya pe a :y ,.gara..dlle pals. .e· y--~ra., pals. kotor lona ~ mis,to Urna dfcyO'l pe ~e' avel e· raklf "ay because, that animal w'a s growing too big inside of her), bigger than she was", So when it WRS time and she was al~ ready at death t S door the boy went back ag.t ! pc ' cermo worm ~ " cerna .. r 'ot. te'n I augar I ;,, -- I write ci no, not .
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